Just The PHOTO Here...but, it was the MEMORY~~~

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Just The PHOTO Here...but, it was the MEMORY~~~

Monday, May 27, 2013

no caption

building a business isn't that easy..
hard to look for people, CDs... please tell me how..
need to change my attitude now!
no more lazy, get more confidence, do it well, Noe..I know you can!! just do it~~

join the FI boardgame again..this was the third time I join it. but still blur.. ==
besides, today Marcus speaking there, and slideshow changed ,.too. felt a bit different than last time I came..
learnt again... knowledge, come to me... 

haha, went back early since my parents was there waiting me for so long... don't get chance to talk with them.. let's talk next time we meet... maybe Wednesday... maybe Thursday...  good night. =)

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Rajan Warrier and his wife Success Seminar..

what a great seminar...learn a lot after it.  as what they say,  get started, you might get fail, but at least you have still 50% to success..  don't get started? you have just a way to go, FAILURE ~~

enjoyed it very much.. looking forward to the next seminar now.. even though it something expensive but it worth it! all the best, Noe....

BTW, say something out of the topic... ENGLISH LANGUAGE!! is now slowly become the weakness for me...I don't even know how to explain in English for them...ouchh,  English, please get improve...I will try hard to learn you more....

Saturday, May 18, 2013

15 May 2013

today joined the FI boardgame again...finally don't feel that blur.. but still can't understand something...

I am so sorry for something, will try not to repeat it again.. =))

tomorrow is the Success Seminar... it's coming soon.  my feeling was like so excited but something normal also....?! haha... so bad that you are not going for, and thanks for your DVD.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

15 May 2013

today went for info night again..
and finally, I got a person follow me to, but she really shocked after she knows our company...
BTW, she also feel that our member are all so friendly and kind...
I am very glad to know them, too.

besides, today Marcus speak and lead me a lot. I am so grateful to speak with. He suggested me to listen the leadership CDs since I want to build up my network  fast.. He also suggested me to watch a DVD name "ten key strategy to building momentum" by Peter Cox... sound nice, but don't know how is it...

willing to join all seminar if I could make it.. even though it cost me lot, but I hope I could...no.... I must reach my goal....

today came back very late, talk a lot with and I am also get something new...all the best and keep on going!!  Noe~~ you can do it~~!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's day

today is mother's day~~ actually me and sister decide to wake up early and run out from house to buy flowers for mum, but after we brush our teeth, they(dad&mum) awake.. it makes me n sis can't go out. so, the only solution is just buy the flower on the next day,  mean 12 of May....

anyway,  even though we don't get to buy the flower, but we went out for shopping and also have our meal to celebrated mother's day...

we have BRANCH &LUNNER! lol, it means breakfast with lunch, and then lunch with dinner...haha... XP

after that?  back to home and read my novel...then, rush my homework since need to hand up tomorrow.. haha! finally dome it ~~

huhu,  hope I could wake up tomorrow, it's so late now...
bye all... =)) I know it's short but I've try to write it. ><



那~ 五月了呢~ 感觉时间是过得蛮快的。。一号放假,就到阿姨家去拜访。。一整天就是吃吃吃! 感觉快要变胖了啊~~

五号,大选当天~ 一早就起床准备。。 虽然我还是under-age..  可是因为要陪父母一块儿出去,就无奈的被逼着早起~ 困啊!! 随便穿了件T恤加短裤就出门了。。结果,他们投完票后竟然说要到Mid Valley 去逛。。哎呀,真是糟糕的着装~~


八号,今天去逛了逛总公司,也顺便join member 了,然后了解了一些事情就接着到晚上的info night 去。不知道为何,我参加了两次info night, 可是每次要去的时候都下雨,结果每次都迟到。真是的。
info night 过后,一如既往的到mamak去吃东西和聊事情,之后,就回家了。由于今天有Bersih的活动,结果搞的整条大路都在塞车,塞了整整一小时,12点才回到家。虽然不是我在开车,可是我还是感到有点郁闷。。

十号,今天放学后,搭巴士到巴生去找nabilah, 拿到了一些资料,然后就坐了几个小时,直到我妈妈来载我,超无聊又困的~

十一号,今天朋友生日,在此祝他生日快乐! 今天真是忙碌的一天~ 12.45pm一个class到2点左右,4.30pm又有TKD, 六点赶到fang qi家洗澡,7点多赶到subang parade 去等人因为晚上有event, 然后不懂路所以要人带~结果,原本说好要带路的人突然说来不了,要我们自己去,我和fang qi直接pekcek, 就是不懂才要她带嘛~ 然后? 今天就打了不少电话,还好最后fang qi的3G可以connect到,不然我看我们绝对是到不了的。。
到达的时候,因为大门还没开,所以我们就在门外等候,聊聊天什么的。要进去的时候,发生了一件趣事,Leonard 突然在那边一直问: where's my key! I lost my key! 然后就找了很多地方,最后终于找到了。然后,以为事情就这样结束了,突然,他又说: hey! where's my laptop?  然后又找找找,终于又找到了。
今天的event, 说简单不简单,说难嘛~也没那么难,就有点blur..我想,下次还有的话一定要再参加一次。。差不多11点,我们就各自回家了。